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Leadership Topics

Bring an engaging, informative, and inspiring workshop to your next conference or meeting. 

Each multimedia training experience is specifically designed to decrease stress, increase success and enhance joy of those doing the critical work of leading today's early childhood professionals.

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Who me?! Lead a STAFF?!

From Surviving to Thriving in Your Leadership Role. 

  • Identify common challenges of moving into a leadership role

  • Learn common beginner “traps”

  • Explore evidence-based strategies for successful leadership

Support for  Your Critical Leadership Role

Be your best. Retain staff. Adapt proven management strategies that really work.

  • Learn top tips to create the environment in which people can do their best work 

  • Explore communication methods to connect with your team

  • Identify and practice proven leadership strategies to motivate and retain your staff

Decrease Stress, Increase Success as Leader & Coach

Experience a unique parallel learning process as you

  • Identify the impact of stress on your thinking and responses during stressful situations you run into as a leader

  • Learn hands-on methods to train your brain to stress less and enjoy more

  • Apply those stress-busting strategies to your specific work as a leader

  • Experience a variety of training techniques and reflect on how you could use these in your staff trainings

Building a Strong Team

*During Everyday Moments

*Meetings  *Virtually

  • Explore proven team building principles 

  • Identify common challenges and barriers

  • Gain team building strategies to connect, inspire, and engage your team

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Mastering the Moves

Delivering Impactful Learning Opportunities with Confidence and Calm

  • Uncover the verbal and nonverbal techniques that influential presenters and facilitators use.

  • Gain insight into how to use body language, tone of voice, and other subtle physical behavior to convey credibility, capture attention, and support learning.

  • Identify helpful responses to common challenges such as distraction, lack of engagement, overt or covert disagreement with your viewpoint, and loss of connection with your group. You will walk away with many strategies to increase your confidence and enhance your impact, whether you are a beginner or a seasoned veteran.

Winning Participants Over and Making an Impact with the Power of Your Stories

Identify the why, when, what, and how of great storytelling

  • Observe, analyze, and gain knowledge from the presenter and video examples of successful speakers telling their stories.

  • Consider which types of stories might work best for the topic you are passionate about and identify the why, how, and where you might share that story.

  • Explore methods to tell your story that will build critical rapport and credibility with your group, keeping participants open to your message and leave your audience with greater understanding and support for the ideas you are delivering.

What leaders do matters. 

“The talented employee may join a company because of its charismatic leaders, its generous benefits, and its world-class training programs, but how long that employee stays and how productive he is while he is there is determined by his relationship with his immediate supervisor.” 

― Marcus Buckingham, First, Break All the Rules: What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently

Bring an entertaining, energizing, and transformative presentation with real-life strategies that can be applied right away to enhance joy and decrease stress, TODAY!

Live Webinars

Attend engaging live webinars that touch the heart and mind, all from the comfort of your own home or early childhood center. You gain hands-on tools that can be applied right away.

Fun Self-Paced Learning 

Gather strategies when it is convenient for you with  wonderful on-demand education that allows you to learn at your own pace. Get help tro address challenging behaviors today!

Valuable Free Resources

Access helpful information and free resources when you need it.  Videos, cheat sheets, blog posts all with tips to get the behaviors you want and STOP the behaviors you don't.

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